Would you like to claim your pet as an emotional support animal?

We Provide Official Emotional Support Animal Letters. Order Online With No Appointment Required.

  • Our Official ESA Letters Are Accepted Nationwide!

  • 95% of Our Applicants Qualify!

  • It only takes a few minutes – all online!

  • Receive your letter within 2 business days!

  • Only $80 per emotional support animal!

Get a Certified Emotional Support Animal Letter for Housing and Travel issued by State Licensed Dr’s of Psychology.

If being with your pet keeps you calm in difficult times and stressful situations, then you should be able to take him or her with you wherever you go. With our Emotional Support Animal letter, this is possible.

Emotional Support Animal Letters

For Housing

Stop paying for costly pet deposits, and be sure you’re allowed to have your pet with you wherever you choose to live. With our letter, the pet deposit fee is waived!

We guarantee our ESA Certified Letters are US Department of Housing & Urban Development Fair Housing Act Compliant, allowing you to enjoy the protection of federal laws against discrimination.

Emotional Support Animal Letters

For Travel

Take your pet with you on airlines and other public transportation without the harassment. With this letter, bringing your pet along is completely free on most airlines. Imagine the savings when you avoid pet fees, and enjoy a more comfortable flight with your emotional support animal.

We guarantee our service is airline compliant.

If you would like to make your pet an emotional support animal, we have great news for you…

Most people qualify to have a service animal or emotional support animal.

Federal Law Prohibits Discrimination Of Breed, Size, Training Level Or Age Of Any Emotional Support Or Service Dog.

By law, you are allowed to train your own emotional support or service dog.

You do not need to be or look physically disabled to have an emotional support animal or service dog.

People With Service Animals Must Be Allowed Access To All Public Accommodations. This includes stores, malls, restaurants, hotels/resorts, airlines, cruises, taxi cabs, buses just to name a few.

Emotional support animals do not legally require specific training.

On select airlines, people who bring a service dog or official emotional support animal on board do not pay any extra fee. Others are doing it, you have the right too!

Federal laws trump any state laws regarding service animals.

Get Your Official Approval Letter Here >

It’s easy! Just see if you qualify, and then place an order for your emotional support animal letter through our quick online form.

Call our office number (865) 621-6721 if you have any questions.